school of Design
School of Design
Auro University is striving to provide integral, integrated, transformable education to create its own culture. ‘Design’ is an activity that has always been central to the creation of a culture.
School of Design aims to create a driving force that defines and expresses these concepts by providing freedom to express, experiment and grow freely and organically.
Design is the most powerful social and ecological tool with which human beings shape the environment of various places in space and time. Free and organic in nature, the School of Design provides an environment that allows students to develop their own independent, unique, personality by carving out their own path.
Today, our societies and economies need creative professionals who have the ability to understand our ecosystems and offer solutions. Our ideology reflected through an interdisciplinary curriculum combines the pursuit of design and skill-building with knowledge, theory and ecosystem thinking. Through this approach, we seek to nurture professionals who will create new value for the economy, for society and for self.

Unique Selling Proposition
- Encourage a ‘hands-on’ approach to learning and skill development, both in the material as well as digital realm for enhanced value addition to any establishment students join.
- A healthy Student-faculty ratio of 1:10 to ensure optimum student engagement for personalized attention.
- Interaction-based learning methodology.
- The multi-disciplinary approach throughout the duration of the course facilitates horizontal mobility across various specializations in the field of Design.
- Winter and Summer schools are offered every semester to create opportunities for collaborative explorations with craftsmen and artisans invited from across the country.
- Well-equipped workshops (Print & Printmaking, Ceramics, Wood & Metal, Weaving and Garment construction), fab-lab and Digital-lab for students and professionals.
- Exposure to the industry through a semester-long internship.
- Industry experts as knowledge partners.
- Encourage entrepreneurial zeal and mindset.
- Research-based approach imbibed in the pedagogy.